무역왕의 레알 해외생활/레알 호주(골드코스트)

SteamPunk in Surfers Paradise

지오(Geo) 2020. 10. 2. 23:47

Location: 20seconds by walk from Cavil Avenue tram station

How to order?

1. Scan QR code
2. Order from the mobile web menu
3. Resister your credit card detail you can pay easily.


5 Good Points.

1. They have some promotion beer every day.
XXXX jugs is only 12$ today.
But I ordered ale beer which is I love.

2. Nearby tram station.

3. Good atmosphere.
You can join a beer with country-pop.



4. Live bands on weekends
They play country-pop too.


5. Enjoy Surfers city view on the open-air terrace.